Monday, August 28, 2017

|Multimedia Presentations

As you know, this semester you and a classmate will be responsible for a 10-minute multimedia presentation. 

  • The work distribution is up to each group, though it should be somewhat equitable
  • The presentation must be approximately 10 minutes in length—everyone must present at least part of the time 
  • There should be 10-12 slides, including at least one video clip (no more than 2-3 minutes in length) 
  • On the day of your presentation, email your presentation (or a link) to me at 

You may utilize any presentation program you like (e.g PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynote). However, please sort out any technical issues before your presentation date (our room's projection system can be found throughout campus). Groups may be docked for a lack of preparedness. 
The best presentations will: 
  • Have an introductory slide which contextualizes the topic—very important 
  • Use words economically Include visually interesting illustrations—gifs are also acceptable
  • Avoid a heavy use of animation and effects 
  • Have a style that complements the subject matter and strikes the appropriate tone 
  • Engage the class through a conversational style, utilizing questions and/or activities 
  • Embed a relevant video or audio clip (e.g. YouTube, SoundCloud)—ad blockers are time savers
  • Conclude with a slide that summarizes the topic—also very important 

This is an opportunity to be creative, so feel free to have fun with the visual design of your presentation. 
Lower scoring presentations might: 
  • Begin without an introductory slide and/or fail to offer any context upfront 
  • Be thinly researched 
  • Allow visuals to overrun their content or lack a cohesive style 
  • Fail to engage the class in any meaningful way—this is often achieved by reading an entire presentation 
  • Lack multimedia 
  • End without a concluding slide 

Remember, you must provide your own laptop. Also, Macs will require an Apple-specific adapter to connect to the university’s projection system. Newer model PCs with HDMI-only connections will also require special adapters. 

Presentation topics:
  1. Cybersex: The Fusion of Technology and Sex
  2. Obsolete: Five Professions that Will Soon Disappear
  3. Welcome to Earth: When We Make Alien First Contact
  4. Drones in Everyday Life
  5. Frankenfoods: The Rise of GMOs
  6. This Used to be My Playground: Understanding Gentrification 
  7. Colonizing Space: What Will It Take?
  8. Inside the Megacities of the Future
  9. In the Era of Designer Babies
  10. How 3D Printing is Changing Everything
  11. Make Haste: Five Places to Visit Before They Disappear
  12. Millennials: Five Defining Characteristics
  13. Resurrection: The Science of De-Extinction
  14. Cozy: Embracing the Microhome Revolution
  15. Wading into the Dark Web
  16. Welcome Aboard: The Future of Commercial Space Travel
  17. When Will America Get Its First Female President?
  18. How Technology Rewires Our Brains
  19. Thanks, But No Thanks: Living Off the Grid
  20. No Place to Hide: Is Privacy a Thing of the Past?
  21. Inside the Virtual Reality Revolution
  22. Home Base: Living in the House of the Future
  23. Understanding Universal Basic Income
  24. Here and There: Inside Quantum Teleportation
  25. Hacking 101


Week 5: 9.22- Wangi L. | Kaith E.- Wading into the Dark Web

Week 6: 9.29- Matthew R. - Obsolete: Five Professions that Will Soon Disappear; Jennifer G.d.A. | Romy B. - Thanks, But No Thanks: Living Off the Grid

Week 7: 10.6- Tracy D. | Nicole H. | Rasha A. - Home Base: Living in the House of the Future; Joanna C. | Ashley E. - How Technology Rewires Our Brains

Week 8: 10.13- Justin S. | Veronica O. | Nina L. - No Place to Hide: Is Privacy a Thing of the Past?

Week 9: 10.20- Xuanyu C. | Justin A. - Cozy: Embracing the Microhome Revolution

Week 10: 10.27- Kish V. | Stephanie L. - Inside the Megacities of the Future; Robert B. | Teresa A. - Frankenfoods: The Rise of GMOs

Week 11: 11.3- Mikayla P. | Jeffrey L. - Make Haste: Five Places to Visit Before They Disappear

Week 12: 11.10- Thalia T. | Mona H.  - Inside the Virtual Reality Revolution

Week 13: 11.17- Cristina A. | Pallavi J. - How 3D Printing is Changing Everything

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