Now that you've completed a Rogerian Argument about the AI debate, it is time to "remix" that assignment into a more visual medium. To do that, you will translate your argument into an infographic, a visual representation of information. In this infographic, all six components of your Rogerian Argument (overview of the issue, summary of opposing view, statement of understanding, stating your position, statement of contexts, and common ground solution) should be illustrated in one of three areas: proponent, opponent, and solution. Aim for some variation of THIS configuration. Also, find samples HERE and HERE.
are most easily created in PowerPoint (or a comparable program). However, you may also use
programs, such as Photoshop or Illustrator.
A well-executed infographic will:
A well-executed infographic will:
- Have a title that articulates its Rogerian Argument nature
- Have a design inspired by the subject matter (the AI debate), balancing it with sufficient content
- Visually translate perspectives and facts in a clear and enlightening manner
- Stay within the parameters of the debate about AI technology
- In most cases, infographics are best sent as an attachment (especially if they contain animation)
- If sent as an attachment, keep in mind that I may or may not be able see the intended fonts of your infographic on my computer
- Static infographics can be sent as screenshots or PDFs
Fri 10.20 - Draft 1; Bring 2 copies—B&W okay
Fri 10.27 - Final draft; Email to by 5 PM
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