Saturday, October 28, 2017

|Short Answer Responses: Sci-Fi Short Fiction

Answer questions 1-3, then any two questions between 4-7.
  1. Which story has a character that most embodies the characteristics of ethos?
  2. Which story’s plot most embodies the characteristics of pathos?
  3. Which story relies most heavily on ethos for its premise (e.g. set up)?
  4. For which character did you feel the most sympathy?
  5. Which character ultimately compromised his/her/its authority?
  6. Which character acts most illogically?
  7. Taken as a whole, did the stories rely most on logos, pathos, or ethos?

  • All responses should be no more than 10 sentences—open each response with your thesis, then follow leaning more heavily on evidence than commentary
  • Be very specific—quote extensively to support your thesis
  • Clearly indicate which question you are answering, though questions do not have to be presented in order
  • Write in the present tense 
  • All titles should be in title case and inside quotation marks 
  • All stories can be found in the eReader (to the right of this post)

  • MLA Style

Due: Fri 11.3

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